Prostatitis - symptoms and treatment

Prostatitis affects the prostate gland — iron-muscle of the authority, which is located in the pelvic area of the android part of the population.

According to statistics, prostatitis suffers approximately 50 % of men, age older than 50 years.

The prostate is responsible for the production of special secret, which, when mixed with the semen helps to sustain activity and vitality of the sperm.

When prostatitis in the prostate are diagnosed inflammatory process caused by the impact on the authority of the infection of the antigen. A lot of the prostate infringes the work of all the urinary system of men and is characterized by the side of specific symptoms. So there are no complications, you need time to heal prostatitis with the use of medication, as well as some of the remedies in the home.

The causes of prostatitis


The main cause of the onset of the prostatitis is an infection. As a general rule, the inflammation can cause the bacteria of all kinds: escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, klebsiella, Enterobacter. All these microorganisms are present in the microflora of the healthy person, but any decline in the immunity of your number of pathologically increases and leads to inflammatory processes. The factor that causes you can also get to be the sedentary life, bad habits, not of the sexual life.

Also to the emergence of prostatitis can lead to any urinary-genital or lymphogranuloma infection. It is a trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and other diseases. This phenomenon occurs because the prostate is closely related to the activities of other organs of the urinary system of the body of men.

Therefore, the causative agent of the inflammatory process penetrates easily into the body through the urethra, the rectum, the lymphatic or the circulatory system of the pelvis. Prostatitis unpleasant of the disease, the symptoms and the treatment that does not need thought of.

The varieties of the disease

In modern medicine will be divided into four main categories of the prostatitis in men:

  • acute;
  • chronic bacterial;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • it is symptomatic of chronic

Acute prostatitis is not very often. It occurs due to bacterial infection of the infection, and passed through what is difficult. Patients complain of acute pain, fever, strong weakness. During the inspection of the iron the person is very painful, increased in size. The acute phase is fraught with serious complications, so the patient needs to fast, and to medical care.

Chronic a bacterial prostatitis in most cases is called the wand. Among their causes of decreased immunity, the presence in the body of the source of the infection, the operations in the pelvic area. He is slower, longer, acute prostatitis, but the symptoms are similar.

Chronic prostatitis often it is also called the syndrome of chronic pelvic pain. The characteristic of this type are of long duration of pain for over three months. When this analysis show the absence of pathogenic flora. Asimptomaticheskiy type of disease happens almost without any kind of symptoms and signs. Usually, the person to detect the pathology at the time of the periodic inspection with the doctor, or when the taking of histological samples from the prostate tissue.

Prostatitis symptoms: the first signs of

The timely diagnosis allows to detect the first symptoms of prostatitis, and also accelerates the treatment process and helps to more quickly return to a healthy and fulfilling life.

That is why you must listen to your body and respond to the slightest sensation of pain and discomfort.

Generally, the first concern bell when prostatitis are urinary problems. This is explained by the fact that the sore organ increases in size and begins to exert pressure on the uric channel.

The man can feel like the pain and pain when urinating, and difficulty urinating. The frequency of bathroom visits is increased. These symptoms can join to burning sensation in the crotch, discomfort when having a bowel movement. In addition to the problems with the urination, the characteristic feature of the prostatitis is a sexual disorder that manifests itself through different signs.

A man can disturb the erectile dysfunction during the sexual intercourse, but it is often seen the long night erection. In addition, in these cases, as a general rule, the premature ejaculation, and pleasure during the orgasm have been reduced significantly.

Another a common symptom of prostatitis is pain, however, half of the patients is not available. Plaintive laments the sensation of pain can be constant, in general, this type of pain is localized in the pelvic area. Also the sensation of pain often occurs with urination, ejaculation, at the time of the erection. Any pain of this type, an indication that it is immediately necessary to seem like a specialist.

The diagnosis

the treatment of prostatitis

The diagnosis of prostatitis encompasses a series of activities that helps to one hundred percent confirm or refute such diagnosis, which in turn will help to cure the prostatitis quickly.

For the beginning of the inspection from the specialist. As a general rule, is a urologist. After collecting the data about the patient, and after listening attentively to all their complaints, the doctor gives the direction for future surveys. In the first place, perform an ultrasound of the prostate.

For traditionally abdominal obesity advocacy, however, in some cases, it is possible to transrectal survey, when a sensor is inserted into the rectum or the urethra.

If it is suspected that the inflammation of the prostate necessarily perform a series of laboratory studies. This list includes an and biochemical analysis of blood, analysis of urine, analysis of urine in three portions.

Also takes the secret of the prostate in order to identify in it the bacteria and the white blood cells, he checks the quality of the sperm. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe other more analysis and research.

The treatment of prostatitis

If you have been diagnosed with prostatitis, the treatment is usually quite long-term activity that requires the use not only of the medication therapy, but with other methods.

The choice of one or another drug for the treatment of prostatitis depends largely on what type of disease is diagnosed in the human being. Thus, acute prostatitis, necessarily, to prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. Landing pages will be and for those whose prostatitis is caused by bacteria of different types. The duration of antibiotic therapy will be different in each individual case, however, it is always performed under the strict supervision of your family doctor.

In almost any variety of inflammation of the prostate on the quality of the medication therapy is recommended anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodic and removed from the tool. For the treatment of non-bacterial forms in the last time often used the so-called medicines alpha-blockers. They contribute to a better output of urine, relax the muscles of the lower pelvis, improve its blood supply.

In the case of prostatitis another effective method of treatment is considered a prostate massage. Some doctors advise you to use this method exclusively to the non-bacterial prostatitis, taking into account that in the opposite case, it can contribute to the spread of the infection in humans. Others are sure that the massage, on the contrary, helps to better absorption in the blood of antibiotics. Absolute contraindications to this method are the acute prostatitis in nature. Prostate massage is done in a special way in the hospital environment. It improves the flow of secretion of the prostate, has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the authority, in its muscle tone.

How to cure prostatitis? A good result in the treatment of the inflammation of the prostate is given by the use of different physiotherapy procedures. In this case it is ultra - electro and procedure, magnetic and laser therapy, etc., to a Surgical intervention in this disease in our time, it is extremely rare.

That will, if not treated?

Negligence in the treatment of prostatitis can become grave human problems. Often complications are associated with the subsequent spread of the infection. Thus develop inflammation of seed bubbles — when the inflammatory process affects the seed tuber. In addition, they can develop a variety of diseases of the prostate.

Acute prostatitis high probability of formation of an abscess, after that in most of the cases in the prostate remains the scar. Also often diagnose stones and cysts of the prostate gland, which are also a complication of the disease.

Long prostatitis is also reflected in the sexual life of men, as that he may be the cause of many dysfunctions. This is often a erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. All of this leads to a decrease of the libido and, as a result, to psychological problems. In the most severe cases of the disease can lead to infertility.

The prevention of prostatitis

Prevention is, first, to regulate the care of their health and the timely detection of problems. Since the disease often appears as a result in infected urinary system infections, then, in the first place, it is necessary to pay attention on this aspect. When you see any symptoms should appear a doctor urologist.

how to get rid of prostatitis

To protect yourself from infection, it is also recommended the use of contraceptive methods to limit their sexual life in relations with a single partner.

In the field of prevention of prostatitis is very important to the way of life. It has long been observed that it is more likely that this disease is annoying to someone that the greater part of his time spent in the sitting position. Therefore, the office workers and the drivers of the first are found in the group of risk. Doctors often recommend hiking on a trail, to load the body to physical exercise. And here are the sudden changes of temperature, or a lot of the overheating and supercooling, are not desirable.

In addition, it is worthwhile to pay attention in his power. You must be the most diverse. Is not to avoid constipation, as in this case, occurs the pressure of the prostate and in the authority, may decrease the blood flow.